HS: The old factory in Sörnäinen is now home to texts and art

Helsingin Sanomat wrote about the opening of Tekstin talo and the new black box stage of Mad House Helsinki.

Visual artist Sadet Hirsimäki and sound artist Eero Pulkkinen were on Thursday 5 October preparing for Saturday's Honeycomb performance. PHOTO: JUHANI NIIRANEN / HS

"The hall is the home of Mad House Helsinki for about half of the year, and at other times it is used by other Tekstin Haus actors," says Emmi Vainio, Executive Director of Mad House. When the hall is not in use, it is also rented out to outside parties," writes Sanna Kangasniemi.

The opening performance of the new stage was Honeycomb: Lightning and Earth.

On Saturday 14 October, the premiere of the first performance by poet and writer Niko Hallikainen will take place at the new venue. Petrolio deals with different forms of energy crises.

Read more about the opening of the new space in Helsingin Sanomat.


Mad House Helsinki Publication's artist in residence Elsa Tölli


Interview with Maija Linturi