What is Mad House Helsinki?

Mad House is a house of live art and a community founded by artists from the independent arts scene. Mad House co-produces a diverse range of performing arts and makes them accessible to different audiences. Mad House's visiting artists work across disciplines, bringing together different art forms and expressions. Mad House creates a space for artists and practitioners to address contemporary issues in an experimental and critical way.

Mad House started as a seasonal operator and produced programming in Helsinki, Suvilahti, Tiivistämtö, between 2014 and 2018. In 2019, Mad House became a year-round house and since then regular seasonal programs have been produced in different venues in Helsinki, including its own stage in Teurastamo, Kalasatama. From autumn 2023, Mad House's stage will be located in Sörnäinen, as part of Tekstin talo.

The organisation is aware of the controversal and problematic nature of name (Mad House) and the issue is being addressed within the organisation.


The programs consist of live and performance art, process-based works, installations, clubs, parties and other events, talks and workshops. The programs are multi- and interdisciplinary, bringing together artists from different backgrounds and with different approaches to performance. The programs create an artistically high-quality, rich, varied and sometimes contradictory whole.

Mad House's programs are curated by a rotating team of artists-curators in collaboration with the production staff. Programming selections are made through invitation, collaborative productions and open calls, which are announced separately. Mad House's programming focuses on works by artists working in Finland. All works will be co-produced with freelance artists and working groups. Mad House's programming takes place on its own stage, in other spaces, in public spaces and online. Mad House's own online publication can be found here

See also past programs.

What is live art?

Live art is a term that emerged in the 2000s to describe a new field of art at the crossroads of different performing arts traditions. It has its roots in contemporary theatre, performance and live art. At its core is a rethinking of performance forms, expression and audience relations. Mad House contributes to the debate on what live and performance art is today.

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Why was Mad House established?

Mad House addresses the key challenges in the independent art field: the lack of permanent performance spaces and production structures, and the need to reach wider audiences. Mad House creates continuity for the freelance artists work, helps to build audience relationships and brings live art out of its marginalised position. 

The domestic art scene is increasingly relying on self-employed freelancers and art is made with varying levels of funding on a project basis. Mad House supports artists' work by providing co-production support, performance space and tech, marketing and other production resources, a professional network, a meeting place and a platform.

Audiences are also looking for actors that bring experimental art under one roof, with easy access. Mad House is one of the first permanent live art venues in Finland and has established itself as an important organisation in the Finnish art scene. Mad House was awarded the State Prize for the Performing Arts in 2020.

Values and principles

Mad House's core values are openness, non-discrimination and equality. For the first years, Mad House was an artist-driven collective. Later on, the organisation has become more stable and Mad House employs a few production professionals on a permanent basis and part-time curators and technician. Mad House strives to be a good place to work, to develop its activities in relation to the needs of the artistic field and audiences, to learn from mistakes, to reduce competition within the art field, and also to experiment with new ways of working.


Mad House Helsinki is a non-profit association, whose official name is Mad House Friends Association. A private person or legal entity may be accepted as a member. Upon application, members may be approved by the board of the association.

You can become a member of the association by sending a free application to the chair of the board, in which you briefly describe yourself, why you want to become a member and that you agree on the association's rules. The rules of the association can be found here.

Membership is free of charge. Every year, the members meet for two general meetings to elect the board for the following year, approve the financial statements and activities of the previous year and the plans for the up-coming year. Members are welcome to attend informal monthly meetings to meet and greet and to communicate about on-going activities. In cooperation with the members, various events such as talks, workshops, celebrations, networking events and projects are planned. Membership does not affect programming choices.

The History of Mad House in a Nutshell

  • Mad House's first season took place as a month-long, festival-style performance art event in the Tiivistämö building in Suvilahti, Helsinki, 1.-29.10.2014. During the month, around 130 artists from Finland and abroad gathered under one roof for 52 different performances and workshops. The programme consisted of live and performance art, installations and a varied bar programme. After a month, it was clear - Mad House makes sense!

    Working group: Marina Andersson-Rahikka, Heidi Backström, Satu Herrala, Martina Marti, Eva Neklyaeva, Pietu Pietiäinen, Mirva Pulkkinen, Annika Tudeer, Juha Valkeapää.

  • During the second season the term 'house of live art' was launched and Mad House moved towards more repertoire-like programming. The season was filled with a wide variety of performance and sound art between 1.9.-28.11.2015 and included 64 days of art and 93 events, by 19 different artists and working groups.

    Working group: Marina Andersson-Rahikka, Heidi Backström, Leena Kela, Pietu Pietiäinen, Mirva Pulkkinen, Annika Tudeer, Juha Valkeapää.

  • The third season was also celebrated in the Tiivistämö from 5.2.-30.4.2016. The third season had a looser programme and longer performance periods. The season's main themes were the Dada art movement, and the representation of the queer and LGBT community in the 'Transforces On Stage' performance art project in collaboration with the Transforces group.

    The performance season filled 80% of the auditorium and proved that spring is the best time for Mad House.

    Working group: Markus Alanen, Marina Andersson-Rahikka, Heidi Backström, Martina Marti, Niko Mattila, Lani Nordlund, Mirva Pulkkinen, Lari Suominen, Annika Tudeer, Juha Valkeapää.

  • The fourth season took place from 13.1.-23.4.2017. The curatorial team was renewed and the program included 13 domestic and 4 international works, 10 of which were premieres co-produced by Mad House. In addition, two mini-festivals, Mad Audio Days! and Finland 100 - Kekoni 10, were organised during the season.

    There was also cooperation with Hurraa!, a children's culture festival in the Helsinki metropolitan area, which resulted in five performances for children of different ages. As in previous years, Mad House also hosted two eventful performance days and numerous clubs at Mad Bar.

    Working group: Markus Alanen, Heidi Backström, Aino Haarala, Johannes Hallikas, Sonja Jokiniemi, Leena Kela, Martina Marti, Niko Mattila, Mikko Niemistö, Kati Palokangas, Elina Pirinen, Salla Ryynänen, Lari Suominen, Annika Tudeer, Juha Valkeapää.

  • The fifth season took place from 18.1.-25.3.2018, during which a total of 17 different works were presented, showcasing the diversity of performance art and its unique ability to take a stand on current issues.

    The works ranged in form from installations to solo shows and from tent performances to more traditional stage productions. Some lasted half an hour, others three days. On stage there were children and adults, with not only living people but also an ancient human, an artificial intelligence and a number of non-human actors in the main roles. Mad Bar, in collaboration with Fargo Vintage and Just Events, also offered a diverse programme of music, stage poetry, performances and standup.

    Working group: Markus Alanen, Heidi Backström, Sonja Jokiniemi, Jere Mönkkönen, Mikko Niemistö, Kati Palokangas, Elina Pirinen, Katja Tolonen, Annika Tudeer, Juha Valkeapää, Vilma Vantola.

  • In 2019, Mad House left Suvilahti after the Tiivistämö space was transferred to the youth department of Helsinki City. A new year-round performance space was found on the other side of Itäväylä in the Teurastamo urban cultural area. 11 works were seen in the first fall season, more than half of which were premieres. The aim was to test longer performance periods, which are rare in the live and performance arts field.

    The curatorial work emphasised the existing international nature of the Finnish performing arts scene and highlighted the Mad House's values to celebrate and respect diversity. Audiences found the new stage and the events were well attended. The collaboration with KOHTA Gallery in the Teurastamo area began to take shape.

    Throughout the year, preparations were also made for the new BAD HOUSE festival, which focuses on international visits.

    In addition, in the summer of 2019, Mad House carried out a summer tour "Climate Change and Utopias" with five performance art works. The tour included collaborations with Kontula Electronics, Puistofilosofia in Ikaalinen and the Savonlinna Nature Film Festival.

    Working Group 2019: Heidi Backström, Sonja Jokiniemi, Viljami Lehtonen, Mikko Niemistö, Annika Niskanen, Elina Pirinen, Annika Tudeer, Emmi Vainio.

  • In the beginning of 2020, 6 works were performed until the COVID pandemic closed the public events. Through various arrangements, a total of 12 works could finally be performed in 2020. Only two works were cancelled completely due to the pandemic. The BAD HOUSE festival was postponed to the following year.

    The audiences were small due to pandemic restrictions, but it was felt important to make the works available even in exceptional circumstances. As part of the pandemic response, Mad House launched Mad House Helsinki Publication, a multimedia online publication. The online publication provides a space for artists to share artistic processes and to extend performances to the online space.

    During the year, Mad House partnered with KOHTA Gallery, Outsider Art Festival and Urban Apa Feminist Leadership Platform.

    Working group 2020: Heidi Backström, Sonja Jokiniemi, Viljami Lehtonen, Anne Naukkarinen, Mikko Niemistö, Annika Niskanen, Elina Pirinen, Annika Tudeer, Emmi Vainio.

  • In 2021 performances were again suspended due to COVID from January to April and various restrictions on audience numbers were in place until the end of the year. As it was still considered important to maintain a diverse programming for both artists and audiences, a separate summer program, which took the restrictions well in consideration, was curated.

    The BAD HOUSE international live art festival was held online and as a hybrid event between digital and physical space in April 2021.

    The works cancelled in spring 2021 were postponed to autumn. In total, 32 works, workshops, demos and residencies were carried out in one way or another during the year. In addition, a second issue of the online publication was produced. A Think Thank discussion series open to all was held on current issues concerning Mad House and the independent performing arts scene more broadly. The lease of the Teurastamo venue ended in Dec of 2021 and Mad House started to look again for permanent performance space.

    As in the previous year, the main partners were KOHTA gallery, Outsider Art Festival and ESKUS.

    Working Group 2021: Heidi Backström, Svenja Fassbender, Pia Houni, Sonja Jokiniemi, Viljami Lehtonen, Anne Naukkarinen, Mikko Niemistö, Annika Niskanen, Elina Pirinen, Annika Tudeer, Emmi Vainio.

  • Exceptionally, 2022 was realised without a dedicated and permanent performance space. For the year, a wondering NoMad House 2022 programme was curated, consisting of nine works that took place around Helsinki.

    When curating the program, artists were asked to be more specific about the target audience for their work: NoMad House reached new and diverse audiences. The works were carried out in collaboration with Dance Theatre Hurjaruuth, Lapinlahden Lähde, Zodiak and the Theatre Museum, among others. Other collaborations included also Outsider Art Festival and Hangö Teaterträff. The third issue of the web publication was published.

    During 2022, Mad House's office was located in Vallila, in the premises of Artlab. At the end of the year, Mad House started negotiations with Tekstin Talo for a new performance space in Sörnäinen.

    Working Group 2022: Tea Andreoletti, Pia Houni, Daniela Pascual, Viljami Lehtonen, Anne Naukkarinen, Marianne Savallampi, Laura Tolvanen.