Dear Society, : Club Grief

Club Grief is a club night for all grievers and friends.

Club Grief is born out of the wish to allow grievers or grieving individuals to go clubbing in times where a normal club might not feel as the safest option. Dancing, clubbing and music hold the potential to host grief and to let grief come to the surface yet, most clubs are high-threshold for grieving individuals due to the pressure to perform in a certain (happy/uplifted/party-proof/exhilarating/excited) way. 

There's little room for tears on the dancing floor and Club Grief tries to change that. We invite all types of grievers to bring their grief to the dancing floor, whatever this might look like. 

The anonymity and the freedom of emotions on the dance floor can act facilitating in the navigation of sometimes new or scary feeling of loss and grief, while dancing and movement can help us deal with emotional pain.

Welcome to Club Grief  with music provided by Death by Landscape and M Lore,come to dance, cry and hold each other or take a little breather in the soft space by Leik Silvestrin

Club Grief programme:

Death by Landscape - Glistening Spheres

Death by Landscape
 duo will perform an improvised set using several sound sources and instruments: piezo, an electromagnetic field explorer, electric guitars and other various electronics. The duo

This fusion embodies the idea of bringing hidden or overlooked sounds into focus. Here the emerging electric frequencies sets an atmosphere for contemplation, revealing the interconnectedness of different auditory realms. By highlighting both the harsh and subtle sounds of our world through this collective sonic gathering. This music brings reflection on the complexities of our surroundings and the urgent need to rethink our relationship with the environment.

Death by Landscape can be seen as a sonic representation of ecological mourning. It mirrors the  emotional turmoil that arises when a natural world, once thriving and balanced, is gradually altered or destroyed. The sound becomes a mediator between much like how grieving allows us to confront the unchangeable and environmental degradation, new rituals must be formed – rituals that speak to the grief of this loss.


"For Club Grief, I'm preparing an audiovisual set with new wailers, thumpers and teeth-gnashers. Hard, dark, sad, fun and cheeky music accompanied by handmade migraines, illuminated lyrics and flashing lights.

Highlights include a new club version of my deep cut bereavement-banger "Eraserfeet" which I will perform for the first and possibly only time. Muscular beats paired with home-cooked jet engines, and over a slow building mass of arpeggiated synths atop which I will apply desperate and unhinged screaming. 

Leik Silvestrini - Lachrymatory

As a frequent crier and a person with big emotions, Leik feels deeply honored to be asked to create a work for Dear Society in Mad House.  Lachrymatory a will be a soft, emotional and participatory installation: a private space for grievers to cry, or just be with their feelings and express them in peace or in the presence of trusted people.

Club Grief is supported by Taike (Arts Promotion Centre) and Arts Council Norway


Photo 1: Death by Landscape/Joni Judén. Photographer Karoliina Korvuo.

Photo 2: Death by Landscape/Victory Gogly. Photographer Karoliina Korvuo.

Photo 3: M Lore. Photographer Carl Victor Wingren.

Photo 4: Leik Silvestrini. Photographer Leik Silvestrini.


Photo by Julia Fidder

22.2. at 22.00

First show of the evening at 22:10
Second show at around 23:00

Mad House Helsinki
Lintulahdenkatu3, 00530


The public can come and go according to their own schedule. If you want to see both performances, it's best to stay for the whole thing.


The event will use high volume, smoke and flashing lights.

You can bring your own non-alcoholic drinks to the event. You can buy alcoholic drinks at the bar tÿpo (1st floor) and bring them with you to the Parvisal.

Dancing is not compulsory at the event. You can be in the space as you are able and comfortable.

There is a safer space equivalent, identified by the tear symbol.




Remi Vesala - showroom #2: hot minds