Laura the Light & Co.: Star children in the world

It is difficult for the star children to adapt to the world. They breathe and express themselves like the clouds in the sky, the sea on the land, and the stars in the space. 

Star children in the world is a show that contains an insane mix of five mini-performances. The mini-performances have been made during the years 2022-2024 and each of their life's challenges and physical blockages has been trembled, distressed, shaken, illuminated. Silliness, homemade, truthfulness, rejoicing, and airing of the beliefs have been and will be presented are now painted with an even bigger brush. There are crazy costumes, magical silk paintings, and limitless creatures that prove the mystery of living. Spaciousness versus the mundane world. Freedom is very close, you can let go. The intention is to make a show, that is at the same time a B-class comedy, a spa for souls, and a chruch of the new era.

Overall design, coregraphy, costumes and performance by Laura the Light (Laura Pietiläinen)
Co-creation and performance by Alm Gnista, Lätsä (Lauri Antti Mattila) and P.P. Puska (Piia Rinne)
Visual art (videos and paintings) by
Sara Pathirane
Sound design (with performers) by
Sirja Puurtinen
Lighting design by Anna Pöllänen
Mentor by Lin Da
Sielunkuu / Tiina Pitkänen
Production: Mad House Helsinki, Ehkä-tuotanto, Esitystaiteen seura and Laura Pietiläinen
Residence: Ehkä-tuotanto/Nykytaidetila Kutomo (Turku)
Supported by. 11.2024 XS-Festival/Nykytaidetila Kutomo, Turku, Finland.


Image: Sara Pathirane

6.3. at 19
7.3. at 19
8.3. at 19
9.3. at 15

Mad House Helsinki
Lintulahdenkatu3, 00530



A parfume is used in the performance.

The work has no subtitles, no sign language interpretation, no audio description.

The audience can join in the dance at the end of the performance.



Dear Society: Club Grief


Oblivia: Turn Turtle Turn - the lecture performance