Marianne Savallampi starts as producer at Mad House

Savallampi smiles and looks towards camera

Marianne Savallampi has started as a producer at Mad House in February and will focus on producing this year's Nomad House programme. Savallampi has studied curating at Aalto University and art history at Glasgow University, Scotland. She has a varied work experience, particularly in community-based practice and cultural policy. 

Marianne, what are your expectations for the coming year?

"I'm excited about the opportunity to work on the upcoming Mad House programme. The cultural scene has been going through some tough times in terms of events, so it's great to see the works taking shape and evolving. The aim is for both artists and audiences to find the programme inspiring and rewarding."


Marianne can be contacted for production and programming related issues and questions. Welcome, Marianne!


Meet the artists of NoMad House 2022!


First news of 2022: Recruitment of a spokesperson and a new office