The new performance space will open in autumn 2023

Exterior view of the future Text House. The Mad House space at the top windows. Photo by Anton Hämäläinen

Great news! Mad House has found a new venue. We are part of the Tekstin talo project and the new space will open to the public in the autumn of 2023 in Helsinki's Sörnäinen in the Elanto district.

The House of Text is a new kind of cultural centre that brings together the public interested in literature and text, organisations and text professionals. The house offers work, training, meeting and event spaces. The Text House expands the concept of text, and strengthens the role of literary culture in the capital region.

"It is magical and above all a great honour to be part of creating a completely new landmark in the field of Finnish literature and textual work. Together with a diverse group of authors, we are also creating a completely new platform for discussion between the arts and science", summarises Jaakko Vilja, Chairman of the Text House.

Read more about the House of Text here.

Our accessible and stunning performance space will be located on the top floor of the building in the old Light and Sound Design (LSS) facilities of the Theatre Academy. We will tell you more about our plans for this year in the spring!


Mad House open call for 2024


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