Staff news!

Naukkarinen (left), Mustonen (centre) and Vainio photographed earlier this year.

A new executive director started at Mad House in January, and two curators have been appointed for the coming 2023-2024 seasons. We also present the composition of Madi's board of directors. 

Emmi Vainio (she/her, b. 1983) has started as Mad House's Executive Director in January 2023.Returning from parental leave, Vainio has been involved in Mad House's activities since 2019, so she is returning to a familiar community. 

Emmi has worked as a producer of art and media culture and in various positions of trust. Emmi has special expertise in inclusion and accessibility issues, as well as solid experience in arts administration.

"I'm delighted to be back in a community with wonderful new colleagues and inspiring plans for the future, while at the same time continuing with old acquaintances and ongoing processes. The role of Managing Director is new to me and I hope to use it to strengthen the sustainable and supportive structures at Mad House. Let's see what the future holds!", Vainio sums up his thoughts. 

Artists Maija Mustonen and Anne Naukkarinen have been invited to curate Mad House 2023-2024

In 2023, the Mad House Helsinki programme will be realised with a repertoire that combines both physical and digital dimensions. Artists Maija Mustonen and Anne Naukkarinen have been invited to curate the stages. Ms Mustonen is responsible for the physical stage and Ms Naukkarinen for the online dimension. 

Maija Mustonen (she/her, b.1979) is a Helsinki-based multidisciplinary artist. She has worked extensively in the fields of performance, dance and visual arts in various roles and communities as a performer, curator and teacher.

Anne Naukkarinen (she/her, b.1987) is a Helsinki-based choreographer, dancer and visual artist. Alongside her artistic work, she teaches, curates and mentors in contemporary art. Anne has been involved in Mad House Helsinki since 2019.

The call for programmes for the physical stage will open early in the year as soon as we have a decision on the future location of Mad House Helsinki. The programme for 2023 and 2024 will be compiled through an open call and direct curation.

Composition of the Mad House Board of Directors

For the period 2022-2023, the board of Mad House consists of Markus Alanen (chair), Eeva Kemppi, Salla Vallius, Pie Kärki, Daniela Pascual and Karoliina Jarenko.

Mad House also employs Marianne Savallampi as producer and Viljami Lehtonen as technician. The office is currently located at Artlab's premises in Vallila.

news updated 24.2.2023: Added mention of the performance space as part of the programme. Also updated staff information. Laura Tolvanen, who was responsible for communications, has moved on to new challenges and Viljami Lehtonen continues as technician.


The new performance space will open in autumn 2023


Mad house's new board and summer greetings