Mad house's new board and summer greetings

Mad House elected a new board at the end of May.The board for 2022-2023 consists of Heidi Backström (chair), Markus Alanen, Karoliina Jarenko, Eeva Kemppi, Pietari Kärki and Salla Vallius. Neicia Marsh, who served from 2021-2022, stepped down and Karoliina Jarenko will join the board as a newcomer. We warmly welcome Karoliina and thank Neicia for the past season!

Heidi Backström, the outgoing president, reflects on the past and the future of Madia:

"Last year was an exceptional year for Mad House in many ways. In addition to the interest rate hikes, operations were paced by changes in staff due to study and parental leave, and the end of the lease at the slaughterhouse at the turn of the year. Mad House is primarily created as a stage for the performing arts. How to be a space without space? Through collaboration and a working group with ambitions for performance art, the NoMad House concept has been created, the Mad House Publication has been continued and various discussion events have been organised. A more sustainable Mad House has been created behind the scenes*. The association's mission is not only to be a stage for diverse, experimental and curious performing arts and to foster debate on the performing arts, but also to explore the structures of art and to be a good place to work. How to be a sustainable actor when resources are inadequate but the needs, desires and skills of the field are great? In particular, we in the board have been dreaming about the future of the space and about audience encounters, artist encounters, encounters. The work of the newly elected board will focus on turning those dreams into reality by supporting and brainstorming together with the staff and the membership of the association.

*I'm left imagining the backdrops of performance art and wondering if they are moss, skin or air."

The Board has started its work at the beginning of the summer and works in cooperation with the staff of the Madi office. The office will be on holiday during July and we will return to the arts in August. It's going to be an exciting autumn, as the touring NoMad House invites us to join them!

The Madin team wishes everyone a happy summer!

Photo by Laura Tolvanen


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