Mad House Helsinki will open its last season in Teurastamo in early September. Before moving elsewhere, there will be a rich and varied programme on the Mad House garage stage.

The autumn programme takes audiences to the performing arts, performance art, lavarunouden, stand-up and performance concerts. The programme includes works postponed from previous seasons due to the coronation, as well as works already planned for the autumn. There will be no fewer than seven first nights.

A warm welcome! Seating is still limited, so it's best to get your tickets early. Tickets will go on sale as soon as we know if the restrictions are still in place. Some performance dates and times for the rest of the year will be confirmed in the autumn.


The Birth of Metafloora | ENSI-ILTA

Metafloora is an unruly art collective, performance band and emotional research centre born out of its members' desire to be in a band. Metaflora's attempt has been to create a space for many, many, brokenness, failure, obliquity, other language, dreams and shared daydreams. The Birth of Metafloora is a performance spectacle that invites the audience to an hour-long performance from dusk to dawn.

Band members .


The hand handles the arm and other parts of the body and gestures. The performance reaches out to the boundary experiences of body, language and thought. It touches on the processes of creation, condensation and fading of meanings and connotations.

Working group: Katariina Numminen, Hanna Ahti, Laura Rämä, Atte Kantonen, Julia Jäntti, Johanna Autio, Riitta Röpelinen

FROM THE DEAD AIR ORGY: On The Nature of Things
12.-16.10.2021. Part of the BAD HOUSE festival, postponed from spring 2021

The work is a series of five live video broadcasts that will take place on the outskirts of Helsinki, in a place from which the audience has been removed. The work is based on a poem On The Nature of Things, written by the Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius before the dawn of time. Lucretius' text on atoms, physics and the structure of reality will be reinterpreted by artificial intelligence, creating omens of an imagined future.

Working group: Simon Vincenzi, Will Saunders, Kath Duggan, Tiago Martins Pinto

Helsinki Performance Art Symposium
22.& 23.10.2021

The Helsinki Performance Art Symposium will provide an overview of the spectrum of performance art in our home city. The symposium consists of talks between performance artists in the form of performances. While the artists comment on social issues, open their inner worlds and reflect on universal questions of eternity, the symposium is also about performance art itself - its current state and form in Helsinki in the 2020s.

The artists of the symposium are Ilkka Sariola, Tomasz Szrama, Irma Optimisti, Sara Kovamäki, Heikki Mäntymaa, Timo Viialainen, Inari Virmavirta, Vili Nissinen and Maija Kivi. The event will be convened by Maximilian Latva, Joonas Jokiranta and Katri Kainulainen, who, in the spirit of the symposium, will contribute to the programme with their own performances. The working group also includes Antti Ahonen, a photographer specialising in performance documentation.

Vappu Jalonen: AU | ENSI-ILTA
25.-31.10.2021. Venue to be announced later / Kalasatama

Inside the dwelling there is a body to match, inside the dwelling there is an alternate universe. Outside the dwelling, there is provision for sea level rise, a wellness centre 200 metres from the dwelling. The water is gushing from the tap, the floor is hot under the occupant, the white noise in the apartment never stops. AU is a talk show about the norms of living, weakness and fantasy.

AU is a solo work by visual and performance artist Vappu Jalonen. Artistic advice by Elis Hannikainen.


Can humour create dialogue between cultures and languages? Is it really possible to translate comedy? Transquips, a multicultural and multilingual comedy show, will help answer these questions! Transquips uses humour as an open-minded and inclusive platform, where different people perform comedy in a simultaneous interpretation.

Concept and production by Humberto Duque

Child Service / Child Service | ENSI-ILTA

The Children's Service is a performance in which adult and children's artists gather together to look at children and childhood. The adult artists approach the child through imitation and mimicry using documentary material. The child performers are experiential experts on the subject. Audiences of all ages are welcome.

Working group: Nora Rinne, Katri Soini, Joona Halonen, Aale Rinne, Aarni Rinne, Oliver Tervolin and Okko Yli-Vakkuri

Zuz Buchowska: Jellyfish | ENSI-ILTA

Life is a bit absurd. There must have been a big meeting somewhere to agree on how to live as a real human being, but I missed it. Jellyfish is a stage comedy, although it's turned into a dramedy of mockery (I don't know about you, but I've been a bit tired lately), about how weird it is to be human sometimes, but how we're all at least in the same place.

Jamie MacDonald: Cuck | ENSI-ILTA

Cuck is a new stand-up piece that explores mockery and liberation, why we continue to torture ourselves on social media. We offer our anguish, humiliation and pain to invisible actors for free, competing for 15 milliseconds of fame.

The Jellyfish and Cuck shows will take place at Mad House Helsinki on the same week, on consecutive nights. Zuz Buchowska and Jamie MacDonald will perform stand-up and monologue.

Nurmi & Mäenmaa: Angela

Angela is a performative lavarun show about ageing, gender and generations. It deals with the fear of death and loss in a fresh and honest way. Two young women are still going strong for now, but what happens when they start to go grey? How credible is an old woman in the grip of power? This embodied and musical work deals with the fear of the inevitable in a unique poetic language and in ways that push the boundaries of art with praise.

Angela is Aura Nurmi's and Emilia Mäenmaa's first collaborative work.

Dayjob Collective: Idols 2020 | ENSI-ILTA

Idols 2020 is a concert is a performance is a performance is a concert is a concert is a performance is a performance is a concert is a cavalcade of idols, altars and curses in perpetual flux from the fringes of personal and collective consciousness.

Idols: Salla Hakkola, Ossi Koskelainen, Kaisa Kortelainen, Timothy Page

Photo by Milja Laakso / The Birth of Metaflora


Mad House Helsinki's new Executive Director